Articles on my life
bigjimtx's Articles In Marital Issues
September 27, 2004 by bigjimtx
Young there anything any sweeter? My first wife and I started dating when I was just 15 and we stayed together, played together and were soul mates in every respect. We married when I was 21 she was 20 and had almost five very happy years together. Work/school every day, us together every night (I was younger then) deep in the "can't keep our hands off of each other" stage for years (Heaven). Work was good, love was good and life was a beautiful playground. After two years of...
September 27, 2004 by bigjimtx
So I have been left alone in the apartment we shared, our first home, our daily love nest......I was crazy trying to figure out what was going on, what is she doing and why. Its true her hormones were going crazy, more than we could know at the time, and her behavior was very different and mean spirited compared to the sweet person I married. I was lost, alone and scared. I could not sleep, did not eat, I was so nervous. I paced the little apartment and never did go to bed for the first...
September 28, 2004 by bigjimtx
So it is a hot August day and three guys show up with a truck to move out nearly everything in the apartment. I was left with a loaner TV on a wobbly metal stand, some blankets, my clothes and sleeping bag and a few odds and ends. At least I had a TV and plenty of floor to sleep on, we didn’t have a lot but now I had much less. My wife, the love of my life, after our lives were the best they have ever been, disappeared from my life with “sign here”. The apartment is empty and quiet, I c...
September 30, 2004 by bigjimtx
One year has passed since wife 1 walked out and I have had no contact with her or any of her family since when her sister calls me and invites me to dinner. Smelling a rat I asked if wife 1 would be there and is she interested in trying again. After a long pause and a sigh she admitted that it was her idea and that she wanted to see me in hopes of reconciliation. I politely declined and indicated that I had moved on and the way she handled the separation made it clear I had no choice. Bes...