Articles on my life
bigjimtx's Articles In Sex & Romance
September 30, 2004 by bigjimtx
Be careful what you wish for Be careful what you dream would come true Be warry of your wishes and dreams coming true Make sure you can accept the reality of what you dream and long for For what you dream for, wish for, long for sometimes becomes reality It can be a most painful experience All that is left is a shattered consiousness A jigsaw puzzle that will never be solved Pieces of lives to be mended I wanted what I cannot have I longed for what is not within me I am a bro...
October 10, 2004 by bigjimtx
I am a Caterpillar....although I am in my cacocoon snug and safe....I will never emerge into the butterfly I dream to be...the butterfly you are alreadyr...although I dream of being the butterfly and basking in the freedom of flight....I cannot become the butterfly when I have only the mind of the Caterpillar...just as you cannot be the Caterpillar when you are already the butterfly and so appreciate the beauty of the flight. I love you and I can no more change that than I can metamorphos...
October 7, 2004 by bigjimtx
My girlfriend is a dream come to life. We “met” on an internet site by chance, had a lunch date by design and quickly learned to love one another by divine intervention. We were looking for fun and friendship on the net and her picture and spirit caught my eye and a quick note from me that was soon answered. We chatted only a few times before deciding to meet and a lunch date was set. We are a couple now and inseparable. I love her as much as I have ever felt love and in only six weeks...
June 14, 2005 by bigjimtx
To Be…who you really are….Or ….Not To Be …. and be who you wish to become. To Be….who you wish to become….Or….Not To Be…..and become the person you long to be. To Be….. who you long to be…. Or….Not To Be….and dream of the ideal to reach. To Be…..who is ideal in your view….Or….Not To Be…..and attempt to meet another’s ideal. To Be…..who is another’s ideal….Or….Not To Be……and try to be everyone’s ideal. To Be……who we really are…..Or……Not To Be……and be unhappy……that’s t...