I have checked this out on "Snopes" and Truth or Fiction". I can find nothing that says it is false. Since much of these things were reported on Fox News late this afternoon, I am going to go ahead and send this out. Most of it is true, perhaps all of it. I really wish I knew the author. Subject: Poor Leadership A SAD STATE OF CORRUPT LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOOKING FOR A HAND OUT. Politics over duty This is a post from a fellow over in Merritt Is, FL, a reporter who's been re...
Please, Please, Please rebuild New Orleans on higher ground. Do not spend my tax dollars building dams, levees, retaining walls etc. to combat nature as nature will win EVERY time. SInce we are going to build a new city anyway due to mold and pollution requiring almost total reconstruction lets do the smart thing and build on a better cite. Give them a new city, brand new and safer.