Articles on my life
The view of the world from here!
Published on November 9, 2004 By bigjimtx In Philosophy
As a child……..

Time passes so slowly…..tomorrow is so far away why do I have to wait?
The world is so big….Never traveled more than 50 miles what a long way!
Girls… prissy, a waste of time to even talk to one, cooties!
When I grow up….mountain man? Jet pilot? Soldier? Kill people/save lives!
Old people…..30 is very old, I will never last until I am 30!
Fantasy’s….Saving lives, flying, being famous, hermit, hunter/gatherer!
Friends…..anyone under 18 that will play with you, no barriers on race, nationality.
School…..So far away (a mile), so big (300 students), they feed you, WOW!
Homework…..the stuff the teacher assigns and almost never gets finished.
Movies….the drive in, cool, sneaking into the theater, bad, $1.00 to get in expensive!
Money….$0.25 is a lot and over $10.00 is downright rich, caps were five rolls for $0.15!
Parents….bank, taxi service, food service, laundry service and allowance provided.
Siblings….picked on by older, protect younger, and no more please.
Pets….living toys, don’t feed them, don’t clean them, don’t cleanup after them, just play!
Sports…..make grown men and women act like children, competition.
Family gatherings….when people you hardly know get to gather to argue about many different topics and try not to fight.
Social gatherings….See Family gatherings above.
Television…..big screen 12 full inches of clear black and white with three channels what could be better than this?
A car…cool wings and fins one has puckered lips on the front smooth ride.
Bedroom…mine is so big I share it with my brother and we can still walk between the two single beds.

As a Teen

Time passes so slowly…next month is graduation it will never get here!
The world is so big…The College I want to attend has 50,000 students; I will never find my way around campus.
Girls….young men have finally noticed that young women are very interesting, a real learning experience.
When I grow up….I will be a doctor, lawyer, business man, but mostly just rich.
Old people…..45 is really old and starting down hill no life left after 45!
Fantasy’s…. Inventing the next greatest thing, being rich, owning a home, all the things girls might be good for.
Friends….drinking buddy’s, classmates, party mates, and now include both sexes contemporaries, the other people that know all there is to know.
School…..College, party time and growing up, learning about life and love and just realizing you do not know it all.
Homework….Mostly exam cramming and what irritates you between parties.
Movies….Can’t afford the theater so mostly TV when you have time between friends, partying and just going out (hanging out).
Money….Don’t have any but want some keeps you in school with hope to have some in the future.
Parents….Support system, stability, and bank when needed.
Siblings….People you do not see much of, no time or don’t want to see them, they have their own changes in progress.
Pets….AT home with parents, gets you to visit occasionally but no time for you own.
Sports….A social event and stress release in college which for many is the beginning of a lifelong hobby.
Family Gatherings….When people you know a little get together and avoid each other so trouble doesn’t happen
Social Gatherings….Friends gather and a spontaneous party breaks out discussion surround jobs and futures, potentials
Television….30” Color can it get any better than this? 7-8 channels by antennae and promise of something called cable TV.
Cars….Owning one that runs is very important usually a family left over that you can afford, while saving for that first “new” shiny one.
Bedroom….Finally have a private room, unless in a dorm where you share, to learn about life, sex and…….

Adult years 25 - 45

Time passes so slowly…..Suddenly you are married with children and the children grow so fast time is accelerating and suddenly you are 40.
The world is so big….The world seems to be shrinking…you have traveled out of the U.S. and news is a global enterprise, not such a big place.
Girls…..Women…Now you work on keeping love alive and your marriage out of a rut, many don’t make it and there are lots of “single” 40 – 50 year olds.
When I grow up….I want the world to slow down, I want time for myself, I want to do all of those things I haven’t and can’t do because of current responsibilities.
Old people…..There are no “old People” just people that have fully matured after all we will be there soon enough and we are not old, are we? The leisure crowd….
Fantasy’s….To retire with health and enough money to enjoy it, travel, and live without children, love freely.
Friends…..The very few that have time or energy to talk to you and are not wrapped up in their own world as you are, so very few friends and those you have are close.
School…..May go back to school to continue education or career direction, may have to if laid off
Homework…Mowing, clipping, painting, cleaning and repairing: All never ending tasks to any homeowner.
Movies…The ones you like are now considered “classics” and the new ones amaze you with their technical genius, but the plots seem familiar with just a small twist added..
Money….as good as it gets, highest wages you will make but don’t get used to it as in all things it will change.
Parents….Are gone or very sickly and require your attention, you’re next!
Siblings….Barely talk and then only family stuff, who’s dead etc. not any fun.
Pets….Trying to get rid of them before the next phase in life, empty nesters, got to outlive them or give them to the children.
Sports….interest wanes in watching, would rather go bowling, drinking, golfing, swimming, hunting……….
Family….Still hoping to spend time with the special few that are interesting while the aunts, uncles follow your parents to their reward and you become the patriarch’s of the clan.
Social Gatherings….That’s why you go bowling….see sports above.
Television….The stuff in between….see sports above.
Cars….You own the best one you will ever have, the best you will ever be capable of affording, so enjoy it now.
Bedroom…You finally figured out how to please a woman in bed, at least some of us have and our drive to so is in decline the greatest of human ironies..

Maturity 45 - !!!! (phase II)

Time passes so slowly…..HA! Time flies…nothing slow about it, you wake up one day at 45 and the next you are 60….what happened?
The world is so big….Not so big, you realize people are more alike around the world than you believed, same desires, same needs, same frailities, wow I’ve mellowed.
Girls….Mature women, they know what they like and how to tell you to provide it, young women need to learn this freedom of desires.
When I grow up…I will not grow up I refuse! It’s time to grow young and experiment with all you wanted to know and do and haven’t in a lifetime……quick before its too late…….
Old people…..Only those that act old at any age, seems there is a lot of them in their 30’s.
Fantasy’s….Have that orgy you only dreamed about, nothing to lose now.
Friends…..All to old coots still around, we are all friendly at this age just ask us.
School…..Educate the young in you knowledge of the world, try to save them the mistakes you made and more importantly, help them reach their pleasure potential.
Homework….How to downsize and eliminate as much maintenance as possible.
Movies….Will watch whatever is on even start half way through, same old plots.
Money….Conservation of assets, survival and entertainment if you have enough.
Parents….Your children or grandchildren will soon be attending your funeral, party while you can.
Siblings….Just as bad of shape as you or worse, do not let them move in with you.
Pets….Nice to have ONE if you do not travel.
Sports….Do whatever you can, watch whatever you want for as long as you want.
Family….All irritating youngsters with nothing to say that is interesting, leave me alone!
Social Gatherings….Meal times at the home or if alone anytime you have a visitor.
Television….Anything, let it run (this could be music also)
Cars….I’ll drive as long as they let me or the body count gets too high!
Bedroom…Good place to sleep if not too tired to walk there, even seeing people naked has lost its zing….

on Nov 10, 2004
Well written! Well thought out. Nice follow thru on the topics.
My mother would get it. My daughter wouldn't have time to read it. As a woman of indeterminate age, I agree with it.


PS from a female perspective:
Makeup/Child: What are you doing with those colors?
Makeup/Teenager: What do you think about this white glitter eyeliner?
Makeup/Adult: Is this lipstick too dark?
Makeup/Mature: Does my hearing aide show?
on Nov 10, 2004
Thanks Sly, I hope you found yourself in there somewhere.
